Garden of Ads

In simple words, Web Development means creating or reworking a website. Many types of Website Creation exist, such as blogs, e-commerce, NGOs, and social media sites. As of 2023, over 1.9 billion websites are available on the internet. Meaning that almost 25% of the world’s population has a website.

Website Creation From Expert Developers

What is a website?

A website is an online platform built or based on any or multiple programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Python, React, and others. The entire process of creating it is called Website Creation.

When customers enter a web address, the web browser begins to look for the specified website on the network where it is situated. Web browsers then download website files and hypertext markup language from a server, format them into a visually appealing web page, and show it in the browser window.

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Reasons for Website Creation

Irrespective of what type of website one gets, each site will have these benefits to it:

Reach extension: Online visibility enables customers to find a business anytime from any location. This helps to capture the market outside of one’s region.

Enhances credibility: Having an online presence through a well-built website results in a professional appearance. It makes the visitor believes it’s a genuine brand or individual with a positive reputation.

Cost-effective: Unlike opening a physical store, having an online website is less expensive. It lowers operating, labor, utility, and other costs. 

Customer interaction: A website also acts as a customer support point, saving money compared to physical locations. It allows customers to contact online and interact more quickly. 

What is web development for new websites?

In this online world, websites play a significant part. The ones who don’t participate lose not only customers but also revenue. Having a website is a must even for non-working individuals, for it becomes their online CV and helps interviewers know more about them. 

Garden of Ads has in-house expert Web Developers ready to create a website for you from scratch across all hosting, languages, and themes. Connect with us today and get your website within 14 days.

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